I love to read! I have been known to have my head into 2 or 3 books at the same time. Right now I am working through BREAKING FREE by Beth Moore. It has been recommended to my by 2 friends whom I respect. This is not a light, pick up and fly through type of read; it is a change your life, bring you to your knees kind of read. I have my notebook with me when I read, so I can take lots of notes and do some reflecting. Anything I've ever read by Beth Moore has quite a bit of power to it and I have learned a lot from her over the past few years. She has a way of getting to the heart of the matter in an honestly, unapologetic way that stirs me to want more: more of Christ, less of me, more knowledge, more time, more love, more of everything good that has been planned for me.
Although the words of wisdom I'm going to share with you today seem a little confusing at first glance, you will find that the more you reflect on them, the more you will be believe. (At least, that has been true for me).
" We glorify God to the degree that we externalize the internal existence of the living Christ. A life that glorifies God is not something we suddenly attain. As we spend time in the presence of God, His glory both transforms us and radiates from us."
I I just melt at the last part: "His glory both transforms us and radiates from us." Oh that I would glorify God in any and everything I do. I am trying to become a person who is better today then yesterday, and closer to the me God created me to be. I have sooo far to go, but I am learning to find joy in the process. (wow, I can't believe I just said that)!
The other day my kids and I were in the van running errands and we saw an ambulance. My oldest asked if I thought God was really proud of the EMT's for the job they've chosen. I told him that yes, I did think God would be proud of them. I then told him that God is proud of anyone who has chosen to work in a way that glorifies Him, whether it be a doctor, teacher, janitor or garbage collector. There are so many hours in our day in which we can choose to glorify God in the big moments and even in the mundaneness of our everyday lives. That would be my wish for all of us today!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
It has been way too long since my last post. Life has been crazy for me with the start of a new school year and the responsibilities that go along with all that it entails. I've decided that the older I get the longer it takes me to transition from one season in life to the next. I have always thrived on consistency, order, and high expectations, yet life with 3 active children and a great husband does not always make it conducive to reach these standards. Needless to say, there have been many moments in these past few weeks when I know I let my priorities get out of whack. I can look back and see where Satan most definitely was able to get a foothold and cause me to become rattled. The only thing that has pulled me out of this dark place has been GRACE:
It has been way too long since my last post. Life has been crazy for me with the start of a new school year and the responsibilities that go along with all that it entails. I've decided that the older I get the longer it takes me to transition from one season in life to the next. I have always thrived on consistency, order, and high expectations, yet life with 3 active children and a great husband does not always make it conducive to reach these standards. Needless to say, there have been many moments in these past few weeks when I know I let my priorities get out of whack. I can look back and see where Satan most definitely was able to get a foothold and cause me to become rattled. The only thing that has pulled me out of this dark place has been GRACE:
Grace given to me by my understanding husband when I got caught up in a whining tirade,
Grace so sweetly given by my children when I asked for their forgiveness over losing my cool
Grace given by my supportive friends when I was less than fun to talk with
and most importantly:
On this Gratituesday and every day in between I am so grateful for GRACE.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Words of Wisdom Wednesday
I recently read a book called Faith Training: Raising Kids Who Love the Lord by Dr. Joe White. I really enjoyed his insight, testimonies and wonderful guidelines for raising children in a Godly way.
There is a section of the book titled 365 Ways to Tell Your child "I love you." I'll just list 5 of those ways and hopefully leave you wanting more. I currently have this book on checkout from the library but plan on adding it to my "want to own" library at home.
-Make popcorn, curl up together on the couch, and watch your son or daughter's favorite video.
-Make up and tell stories with your kids as the heroes.
-Keep a scrapbook of your child's awards, newspaper clippings, photos, and so on. Get it out often and look at it together.
-Ask your child, "What is your favorite passage in the Bible, and why is it your favorite?"
-Snuggle in bed together as you tell a good-night story.
Aren't those great ideas? It seems like a lot of his ideas are things most of us probably do already, but there are some listed that are new, and would just stretch us a bit as parents who want to instill a love and life that reflects a relationship with Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this book and I know I will continue to refer to this list (the competitive side to me wants to make a checklist and of course start checking things off).
Blessings for a great Wednesday!
There is a section of the book titled 365 Ways to Tell Your child "I love you." I'll just list 5 of those ways and hopefully leave you wanting more. I currently have this book on checkout from the library but plan on adding it to my "want to own" library at home.
-Make popcorn, curl up together on the couch, and watch your son or daughter's favorite video.
-Make up and tell stories with your kids as the heroes.
-Keep a scrapbook of your child's awards, newspaper clippings, photos, and so on. Get it out often and look at it together.
-Ask your child, "What is your favorite passage in the Bible, and why is it your favorite?"
-Snuggle in bed together as you tell a good-night story.
Aren't those great ideas? It seems like a lot of his ideas are things most of us probably do already, but there are some listed that are new, and would just stretch us a bit as parents who want to instill a love and life that reflects a relationship with Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this book and I know I will continue to refer to this list (the competitive side to me wants to make a checklist and of course start checking things off).
Blessings for a great Wednesday!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
First Day of Homeschool
In Michigan, all schools start after Labor Day. This year that's pretty late (Sep. 8 I think). Although we've enjoyed our summer, my kids have been a little restless and in need of some structure and routine. This was one of my reasons for starting school a little early (we usually follow the school's calendar). Plus, Mom was really ready!
Yesterday, we gathered around the couch for devotions and then found some space to do our individual work. What a great feeling! Two years ago I sat crying in my living room while watching my 2 oldest get on the bus and fly away to the local public school. It pained me to know that for the next 8+ hours they would be in someone else's care, trying to formulate a sense of belonging, keeping up with important friend "stuff", all the while trying to to stay sharp for the important information they needed to learn. Since homeschooling, the change in our family has been significant. The anxieties, outside influences and unnecessary hectic mornings have vanished. The long days, cranky kids and pushy Mom have transformed into 1/2 days, happy kids and a confident Mom. It warmed my heart to hear all 3 of my kids excitedly tell Dad all about how much fun they had on their first day. God continues to bless us and on this GRATITUESDAY I am so grateful for THE FIRST DAY OF HOMESCHOOL (and every homeschool day after that).
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About Me

- Happy2bHome
- Allendale, Michigan, United States
- I have been married to a wonderful man for 11 years. Together we are raising 3 awesome kids: Zach-10, Cole-8, and Taryn-5. We are doing our best to bring them up as individuals who live and love like Jesus. Although challenging and ever-evolving we feel extremely blessed to have the privilege of sharing our lives and experiences with them as we journey together. We will be starting our second year of homeschooling and are loving it. We are amazed by God's blessings as we continue to see the benefits of this choice. As a former PS (public school) teacher, I grow stronger in my convictions about the lifestyle we've chosen. I love to hear other people's stories and experiences about homeschooling.