Saturday, August 22, 2009

After Facebooking for a few months, I've decided it would be fun to have my own blog.  I love to connect with other women and have found a ton of creative, inspiring, amazing ladies out there who make me want to be a better person.  I'm not the most compter literate person, but I love to journal so I will need to practice patience as I begin this journey.  I hope to bless and to be blessed.

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About Me

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Allendale, Michigan, United States
I have been married to a wonderful man for 11 years. Together we are raising 3 awesome kids: Zach-10, Cole-8, and Taryn-5. We are doing our best to bring them up as individuals who live and love like Jesus. Although challenging and ever-evolving we feel extremely blessed to have the privilege of sharing our lives and experiences with them as we journey together. We will be starting our second year of homeschooling and are loving it. We are amazed by God's blessings as we continue to see the benefits of this choice. As a former PS (public school) teacher, I grow stronger in my convictions about the lifestyle we've chosen. I love to hear other people's stories and experiences about homeschooling.
